If you think that you would like to discuss having your student complete more writing assignments on the computer or requesting assistive technology such as a Netbook or an Alphasmart next year, please have your child spend time this summer using the computer with the goal of becoming faster at typing.
The kids can email me at kelley.hively@austinisd.org to practice typing or perhaps a family member or friend. They can also play computer games for 10 minutes a day and will develop skills quickly. If your child is a video game fan, I recommend requiring them to practice a typing game for 10 minutes before they can access the video game of their choice.
Here is a list of great (free!) online resources for keyboarding games:
This site has excellent instruction as well as games. The section under "courses" is unfortunately dull, but good to do if you can get your child to work on it for 5 minutes or so. The section under "games" is fun and good practice.
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